Here's some cuteness I've done since my last post :)

My nail polish silliness.
ebeautyhouse | eleseed | e.metro | valuekey | ejoytune | sellfromus
Any more that I should keep in mind for the next time I can have a shopping spree? :D
What really got me interested in nail blogs was noticing how people would call my store asking for polishes that I knew we were getting, but didn't even have yet. How would they know about them? When we put out Rodeo Diva [I THINK it was Rodeo Diva. It could have been Retro Diva. I have a horrible memory], it was like people were coming in just to look at them. Then, in the days leading up to Halloween '09, we were suddenly getting ten calls a day asking about China Glaze Fortune Teller. When it came time to put out the display, we were already sold out. *I* didn't even get one. I had to go to another store :D And when The Poolside Collection came out, people would come in, make a beeline for the dispay, then come right to the registers, just like with Rodeo [Retro?] Diva. Yeah, for someone as obsessed with computers as I am, it did take a suprisingly long time to figure out these people got their info from the internet. It never dawned on me how into polish some people could be.
It will be fun to see where this goes. I currently have two photo boxes full of polishes, lots of glitters and rhinestones from ebay [that I haven't even used], and I just got the Bundle Monster set [haven't used that yet except to mess around to get familiar with it]. Most of my polishes are Orly, China Glaze, and Sinfulcolors.
What do I plan to do here? I'm thinking it will probably be mostly pictures of my nails when I do interesting things to them. No swatches, though, because I think there are plenty of people out there doing swatches far better than I could, so I'll just leave it to them. Same with reviews.
Sometimes, I find myself having answers to questions I see on other blogs, so maybe, as I get information, I'll post about that too. For starters, Vintage Vixen has officially started arriving at Sally Beauty Supply, and may actually already be on display at some stores. Also, the Orly collection Cosmic FX is currently listed at $8.99 in Sally's system [7.99 discount card, 6.99 pro and student]. Not a whole lot less than the announced $10, but if you sign up for that discount card, for $5 you save that extra dollar AND get a $5 coupon on your receipt for the next month. Get a card in July, come back and get a free polish in August.
I'll also pimp some giveaways every now and then [once a week?], 'cause... um, I'd love to win one :D I'll be doing a bulk giveaway post later today.
Anyhoo... um, thanks for checking me out. I do ramble, but I shouldn't do that too often here. Heh. Bye :)